Basic Drug Awareness Face to Face / Classroom

Date & Time:

Wednesday 9 July 2025 (09:30 - 12:30)


Room B12A & B12B, The Woolwich Centre 2nd Floor Business Centre 35 Wellington Street Woolwich London


Basic Drug Awareness

To provide a basic awareness of different substances, a basic understanding of addiction, how to recognise if someone they are working with is misusing substances and what to do about it.

Aims & Objectives: By the end of this half day workshop the participants will have:

  • Improved their knowledge of different types of drugs, what they look like, effects, signs and the law
  • Gained a better understanding of why people may use
  • Explored issues such as barriers to recovery; stigma, denial, resistance
  • More awareness of treatment options and services

Target Group: Those in regular contact or have a period of intense but irregular contact, with children, young people and/or parents/carers including all health clinical staff, who may be in a position to identify concerns about maltreatment. Examples: Housing, hospital staff, YOS staff and staff in secure settings, the police other than those in specialist child protection roles, sports development officers, disability specialists, faith groups, community youth groups, play scheme volunteers

Places Available:


Further Information:


Venue Details:

Room B12A & B12B, The Woolwich Centre 2nd Floor Business Centre 35 Wellington Street Woolwich London

(020 8854 8888)