Thresholds and Referrals into the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)

Date & Time:

Tuesday 11 March 2025 (09:30 - 12:30) - Please login to join the waiting list


Webinar/ Virtual Training, Please note that these training sessions will use the ZOOM or TEAMS app. Once registered, you will be sent, nearer the session date, an invite that includes a link for you to download the FREE app and further instructions of how to access the training.


MASH and Thresholds Training

An on-line workshop to support professionals in understanding the role of the MASH, Thresholds and process/decision making.

Nothing is more important than children’s welfare.

Parents and carers have the primary responsibility for their children. However, local authorities, working with partner organisations and agencies, have specific duties to safeguard and protect the welfare of all the children in their area and everyone who comes into contact with children has a role to play.

In 2023, the government published a revised version of Working together to safeguard children.  It sets out the legal requirements that health professionals, social workers, police, education professionals and others working with children must follow. 

Working Together is statutory guidance and all practitioners working, or having contact with, children and young people are required to read and understand it so they can meet their legal obligation to keep children safe.

As safeguarding partners, we are required to publish a local document that sets out our criteria for action, which you can download on the GSCP website.  

In Royal Greenwich, our approach to promoting welfare, safeguarding and child protection is developed around our understanding that children, young people and families are unique. 

They are the product of, and active participants in, a complex web of interdependent and changing systems and circumstances

This workshop briefing aims to develop and enhance participants’ understanding the role of the MASH, Thresholds (see Threshold Document) and process/decision making.

Target groups: Members of the workforce who work with or come into contact with children and young people and or/their parents/carers and would benefit from a good understanding of how MASH operates and how thresholds are applied; process and decision making. This many include a wide range of frontline professionals and managers including Practitioners, Named and Designated Safeguarding Leads, Lead Professionals, GP’s, Dentists, Headteachers, DSL’s, Nursery and Children’s Centre Managers, Operational Managers at all levels including Practice Supervisors; Front Line Managers, Professionals working with Adults who might come into contact with children/families, voluntary sector staff and those who run faith and community groups.

Objectives: By the end of this on-line session participants will be able:

  • To understand the role of the MASH
  • To gain an understanding of the Threshold Document
  • To gain an understanding of the Thresholds, to know when to refer to MASH and confidence in completing the referral form
  • To make contributions and participate in the process and understand what is expected
  • To understand the possible outcomes and the consequences of these
  • Ensuring that safeguarding of children is the priority in investigations and decisions

Places Available:



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Further Information:

Venue Details:

Webinar/ Virtual Training, Please note that these training sessions will use the ZOOM or TEAMS app. Once registered, you will be sent, nearer the session date, an invite that includes a link for you to download the FREE app and further instructions of how to access the training.